On the Ledge-My New Year’s Resolution Gut Check

We’re three weeks into the New Year. I like to think it’s do or die time for my New Year’s resolution. Seriously, you’re on the edge either you’re going to commit or push it off until next year. I’m that way, my resolution, like most people is to get in shape, stay in shape and run a 5k this year. Yeah, for the guy that enjoys a beer, burger and whose mouth turns into a vacuum anytime chocolate is around (Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are the devil) this is no easy task. Especially since my kids Christmas stockings explode with candy and it’s still hanging around and clients send these ridiculous gift baskets. I know the easy solution is to throw it away –if it was only that easy. But, I’ve committed. I’m going to do it. I’m stepping back from the ledge and I’m going to actually commit to my New Year’s Resolution. There, it’s in writing, so I have to do it or I’ll be the laughing stock of The Meadows, right? Luckily, I live in a community that helps me stay motivated with such resolutions.

Plenty of Help in The Meadows

Castle Rock has plenty of gyms and I’ve started going to one. My personal trainer gets a good laugh a couple times a week as I try to maneuver through the exercises. TRX-straps are usually the highlight of the show. But it’s good to have someone there to motivate me and help me realize just how out of shape I am. But I’ve committed, I’m going to push through. It’ll be worth it.


When not in the gym I try to do some running or walking because I’m going to run a 5k, and well you should actually run before you sign up for a race. My office has a view of one of the many trails here in The Meadows. I’d like to thank all of you residents that take advantage of these trails. You runners, walkers, and bikers – you’re all my trainers. As I’m scarfing my peanut butter cup, I look out my window and say I need to be like that person. So as it gets warmer, I’ll be out there. Running, walking, and running again and then I’ll be done with my first mile. I won’t give up, you’ll keep me motivated.

Oh yeah, there’s also the lovely incline at the MAC. I haven’t had the opportunity to conquer this, but it’s coming. I will climb the incline and explore the trails at the new park.

So, my point is, instead of taking my usual “I’ll get it to it next year”mentality with my New Year’s resolution, this year, it’ll be easier to accomplish my goals.  Why? Because of you – the community; you’re motivating, you’re an active community and your healthiness is infectious. It’s why I love The Meadows. Yes, I will give up the Peanut Butter Cups (at least give up eating a bag at a time!)